James Smay, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor
Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering
University of Illinois, 2002
B. S., Mechanical Engineering
Oklahoma State University, 1996
Major Areas of Interest
Materials Science
Direct Write Manufacturing
Colloidal Processing of Materials
Rheology of Complex Fluids
Encouraging STEM Education in the Native American Community
Recent Research Activities
The Smay group focuses its efforts on colloidal assembly processes to enable novel devices. The main technique employs the direct writing of colloidal gel based inks. The inks consist of sub-micron particles of ceramic (Al2O3, ZrO2, SiO2, BaTiO2, Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3, hydroxyl(apatite)), metal (Cu, Ni), and polymer (acrylics, PLGA) suspended in aqueous media. A number of devices are under investigation based on printing of structures that are difficult or impossible to construct using traditional manufacturing techniques. These include photonic band gap crystals, bone scaffolds, all-ceramic dental crowns, and metal-ceramic composites.
The Smay lab is equipped for powder processing, advanced rheological measurement, thermal treatment of ceramics, metals, and polymers, and particle size and zeta potential measurements.