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Graduate Seminar Series

ChE Graduate Seminar Series

The School of Chemical Engineering sponsors a Graduate Seminar Series in the fall and spring semesters made possible by our generous supporters of the program. Experts from various areas of chemical engineering, including energy, materials, chemicals, and biomedical, share the latest research in their fields. The seminars are held on Tuesdays from 3:00-4:15 p.m. (CST) in 107 Engineering North with a reception following. A complete list of the seminar dates, speakers, and topics for the current academic year, as well as past years, is shown below. If you are interested in attending a seminar, please contact us at for more details.


Spring 2025

Date Speaker/Institution Title
2/4/2025 Michael Timko - Worcester Polytechnic Institute Sweet Greens: Challenges and Opportunities for Converting Agricultural Waste into Biofuels
2/25/2025 Clark Miller - Phillips 66 Fundamental catalysis research with industrial applications in fuel production
3/4/2025 Dongjin Seo - Brigham Young University Altering the gas/liquid interaction with surface molecules by inducing conformation change with temperature and electricity
3/11/2025 Chantal Darquenne - University of California, San Diego The fate of inhaled aerosols in health and disease: insights from in-silico modeling
3/25/2025 Ezra Clark - Pennsylvania State University Elucidating the Origins of Electrocatalytic Phenomena with Electrochemical Steady State Isotopic Transient Kinetic Analysis 
4/1/2025 Karthik Nayani - University of Arkansas TBD
4/8/2025 Pinar Akcora - Stevens Institute of Technology  Structure-Dependent Ion Conductivity in Poly (ionic liquid)-based Hybrid Electrolytes 
4/15/2025 Changseok Han - Inha University Environmental processes for water treatment and resource recovery in water and wastewater
4/29/2025 Gregg Beckham - National Renewable Energy Laboratory Chemical and biological strategies for plastics recycling and redesign


PETE Graduate Seminar Series

The Petroleum Engineering Program in the School of Chemical Engineering sponsors a Graduate Seminar Series in the fall and spring semesters made possible by our generous supporters of the program. Experts from various areas of petroleum engineering, including drilling and completion, enhanced oil recovery, carbon capture, and geothermal systems, share the latest research in their fields. The seminars are held on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:20 p.m. (CST) in 305 Engineering North with a reception following. A complete list of the seminar dates, speakers, and topics for the current semester is shown below. If you are interested in attending a seminar, please contact us at for more details.


Fall 2024

Spring 2025 speakers will be announced soon. 
Date Speaker/Institution Title
9/11/2024 Andrew Bunger - University of Pittsburgh Measuring and Modeling of Injection and Flowback for Subsurface Pumped Energy Storage in Horizontal, Fluid-Filled Lenses 
9/18/2024 Dustin Crandall - National Energy Technology Laboratory Core Characterization for Energy Applications
9/25/2024 Barbara Kutchko - National Energy Technology Laboratory Performance of cement in underground storage scenarios 
10/2/2024 Evren Ozbayoglu - The University of Tulsa Cutting Transport - Effect of Pipe Rotation
10/16/2024 Kiseok Kim - Texas A&M University Effect of CO2 injection on the poromechanical and multiphase flow characteristics of subsurface rock
10/23/2024 Mengsu Hu - Berkeley Lab Multiscale Modeling of Shearing and Coupled Processes in Fractured Rocks
10/30/2024 Lisa Schwarz & Steve Sowers - Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas Uniquely Oklahoma: OERB's Industry- Leading Initiatives in Education and Land Restoration 
11/6/2024 Christine Ehlig Economides - University of Houston  The Hydrogen Value Proposition
11/13/2024 Dwayne Purvis - Purvis Energy Advisors  The Outlook for the Three Oil Industries 
11/20/2024 Adam Haecker - Milestone Environmental Services  Petrophysics of CCUS: How is it different? How is it the same?