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Engineering, Architecture and Technology

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Welcome to ECE

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University welcomes all students from Oklahoma and from diverse backgrounds across the world. We are highly recognized in the nation for our student-centered, laboratory intensive curriculum and are a partner of choice for employers seeking well educated, highly motivated, and uniquely creative college graduates dedicated to life-long learning. Our faculty are engaged in innovative research to create solutions and have knowledge relevant to the technological and scientific challenges of our time. We strive for excellence in all that we do, with the student at the focal point of our mission.

Outstanding Students

The ECE student is the focus of our Mission. Outstanding students from Oklahoma and the international community are enrolled in our baccalaureate and graduate programs. Upon graduation, ECE students compete for the best jobs and are well-positioned to pursue post-baccalaureate degrees. We pride ourselves with low student-to-faculty ratios and high retention rates that exceed 90%. Approximately 40% of the undergraduate student body and 60% of the graduate student body are either American Indian, Asian American, Black, Hispanic, Multiracial or International. Exceptional students today become notable  ECE Alumni in the future.

World Renowned Faculty

The faculty of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering are committed to excellence - both in the classroom and the research laboratory.  Their research has been highly cited by their professional peers and appears in highly esteemed journals and conference publications.  All ECE faculty teach both undergraduate and graduate student courses each year, thus exposing all ECE students to the best minds in the ECE profession.  

Cutting-Edge Research

Through the process of discovery and research ECE students and professors are probing the large-scale and nano-scale electrical universe and advancing critical ECE technologies for the economic development of the State of Oklahoma and our country. Their intelligence, creative thinking, determination and unique insights form the foundation for their success in creating new theories, models and algorithms, and designing novel devices, components, systems and engineering tools.

Additional Resources and Information

ECE mission statement

The core mission of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to provide high quality education to our degree seeking students and to conduct basic and applied innovated research.  We are laser-focused on our mission.

ABET and undergraduate program data

Accreditation is critical to our success. The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s baccalaureate BSEE and BSCpE degree programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,  

ECE annual newsletters

Learn more about the great things that ECE students and faculty are doing to execute on our core mission of teaching and research.
Read the 2024 newsletter!

Industrial Advisory Board

The IAB is a valued constituent of the School who is passionate about student success.  Meet our members!

Distinguished Seminar Series

The Distinguished Seminar Series of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering is a forum to showcase leading edge research being conducted by internationally renowned experts. The Series is open to the public.

ECE Announcements

Zhang's AI for power team won runner-up at DOE's American-Made Challenges Competition

December 12, 2024

Oklahoma State University’s Dr. Ying Zhang, assistant professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has led a team of power system and AI researchers to win the runner-up of the American-Made Challenges Competition: Data-Driven Distributed (3D) Solar Visibility Prize.

ECE's Inaugural Freshman Showcase Day

November 8, 2024

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering holds its first-ever ECE Freshman Showcase Day.

ECE is announcing the first class of ECE Miller Research Scholars of 2024-2025

September 19, 2024

In the fall of 2025, the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) introduced a new initiative aimed at encouraging undergraduate students to engage in research with ECE faculty members.

Dr. Nazaripouya named Distinguished Fellow of Electrical and Computer Engineering

September 10, 2024

Dr. Hamid Nazaripouya, assistant professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was recently named a Distinguished Fellow of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

CEAT research focusing on interdisciplinary NASA projects CEAT research focusing on interdisciplinary NASA projects Feb 17

The College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology is home to many different interdisciplinary research efforts.   One example is multiple projects with NASA, as CEAT researchers are studying types of cybersecurity, infrasound noise mitigation for Venus exploration and development of multi-elemental thermal coatings for super alloys.  

CEAT faculty and staff honored at the 2024 University Awards Convocation CEAT faculty and staff honored at the 2024 University Awards Convocation Dec 16

Oklahoma State University Provost Jeanette Mendez and Vice Provost Dr. Chris Francisco recognized faculty, staff and administrators for their achievements in 2024 at the University Awards Convocation on Dec. 13 in the Student Union Ballroom.

CEAT student named USRA Distinguished Undergraduate for 2024 CEAT student named USRA Distinguished Undergraduate for 2024 Dec 9

Tyler Graham’s path to engineering was inspired by a lifelong love of building and problem-solving. In middle school, he began experimenting with a Raspberry Pi, and in high school, he joined his school’s FIRST Robotics team, which solidified his interest in engineering.

18 CEAT students awarded the Martin Family Scholarship 18 CEAT students awarded the Martin Family Scholarship Dec 3

18 students from the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology were awarded the Martin Family Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to students involved in the Cyclone Cowboys and who have gone above and beyond in the promotion of wind energy in the community and advancement of wind energy research at Oklahoma State University.