Ultrafast THZ Optoelectronic Laboratory
THz Optoelectronics & THz-TDS Publication List
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233. Hermann Harde and Daniel Grischkowsky, “Molecular Response Theory in Terms of the Uncertainty Principle” J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 119, (34) pp. 9085-9090 (2015).
Mahboubeh Mandehgar and D. Grischkowsky, “Understanding Dispersion Compensation of the THz Communication Channels in the Atmosphere,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, (22), pp. 2387-2390 (2015).
Yihong Yang, Mahboubeh Mandehgar and D. Grischkowsky, “Broad-band THz signals propagate through dense fog,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 27, (4), pp. 383-386 (2015).
Eom-Bae Moon, Tae-In Jeon and D. Grischkowsky, “Long-Path THz-TDS Atmospheric Measurements Between Buildings," IEEE Transactions on THz Science and Technology, Vol. 5, pp. 742-750 (2015).
Mahboubeh Mandehgar, Yihong Yang and D. Grischkowsky, “Experimental Confirmation and Physical Understanding of Ultra-High Bit Rates in the THz Digital Communication Channels of the Atmosphere,” invited paper, accepted for publication in Journal of Optics, Institute of Physics" Vol. 16. pp. 094004- Sep 3, (2014).
Yihong Yang, Mahboubeh Mandehgar and D. Grischkowsky, “THz-TDS Characterization of the Digital Communication Channels of the Atmosphere,” invited paper, accepted for publication in J. of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, July 29, (2014).
Yihong Yang, Mahboubeh Mandehgar and D. Grischkowsky, “Determination of the water vapor continuum absorption by THz-TDS and Molecular Response Theory,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, pp. 4388-4403 (2014).
Jeong Sang Jo, Tae-In Jeon, and Daniel R. Grischkowsky, "Prototype 250 GHz Bandwidth Chip to ChipElectrical Interconnect, Characterized With Ultrafast Optoelectronics", IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology. , Vol. 3, NO. 4, 453-460, (2013).
Mahboubeh Mandehgar, Yihong Yang, and D. Grischkowsky, "Atmosphere characterization for simulation of the two optimal wireless terahertz digital communication links" , Optics Letters , Vol. 38, No. 17 3437 -3440 (2013)
D. Grischkowsky, Yihong Yang, and Mahboubeh Mandehgar "Zero-frequency refractivity of water vapor, comparison of Debye and van-Vleck Weisskopf theory" Optics Express , Vol. 21, No. 16 18899 -18908 (2013)
Yuping Yang, D. Grischkowsky "High-Resolution THz Transmission and Reflection Measurements and Consequent Understanding of Resonant Hole-Arrays" ,IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology. , Vol. 3, NO. 2, 151-157, (2013).
Yihong Yang, Mahboubeh Mandehgar, and Daniel R. Grischkowsky "Time domain measurement of the THz refractivity of water vapor", Optics Express ,Vol. 20, No. 24, 26208-26218 (2012)
Jianqiang Gu, Ranjan singh, Xiaojun Liu, Xueqian Zhang, Yingfang ma, shuang Zhang, stefan A. maier, Zhen Tian, Abul K. Azad, Hou-Tong Chen, Antoinette J. Taylor, Jiaguang Han & Weili Zhang "Active control of electromagnetically induced transparency analogue in terahertz metamaterials" Nature Communications, Vol. 3:1151, DoI: 10.1038 ncomms2153 (2012)
Alisha J. Shutler and D. Grischkowsky "Gap independent coupling into parallel plate terahertz waveguides using cylindrical horn antennas" Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 112, 073102-5 (2012)
Wei Cao, Ranjan Singh, Ibraheem A. I Al-Naib, Mingxia He, Antoinette J. Taylor and Weili Zhang "Low-loss ultra-high-Q dark mode plasmonic Fano metamaterials" ,Optics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 16, 3366-3368 ( 2012)
Peter H. Siegel "Terahertz Pioneer: Daniel R. Grischkowsky" IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology. , Vol. 2, NO. 4, 378-382, (2012).
Yihong Yang, Mahboubeh Mandehgar, and Daniel R. Grischkowsky " Understanding THz Pulse Propagation in the Atmosphere" IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology. , Vol. 2, NO. 4, 406-415, (2012)
Yuping Yang, D. Grischkowsky "Four-step pulses of fractional-order surface plasmons" ,Optics Letters, Vol. 37, pp.1709-1711, (2012).
Joseph. S. Melinger, Yihong Yang, Mahboubeh Mandehgar and D. Grischkowsky "THz detection of small molecule vapors in the atmospheric transmission windows", Optics Express, Vol. 20, pp.6788-6807, (2012).
Yuping Yang, S. Sree Harshaa, Alisha J. Shutler, D. Grischkowsky "Identification of Genistein and Biochanin A by THz (farinfrared) vibrational spectra" , Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Vol. 62, 177– 181, (2012).
S. Sree Harsha, Joseph. S. Melinger, S. B. Qadri and D. Grischkowsky "Substrate independence of THz vibrational modes of polycrystalline thin films of molecular solids in waveguide THz-TDS", J. of Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 111, 023105, (2012).
Jianqiang Gu, Ranjan Singh, Abul. K. Azad, Jiaguang Han, Antoinette J. Taylor, John F. O’Hara and Weili Zhang "An active hybrid plasmonic metamaterial"
, Optical Materials Express, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1617-1623 (2012).
D. Roy Chowdhury, R. Singh, John F. O’Hara, A. J. Taylor, and A. K. Azad "Dynamically reconfigurable terahertz metamaterial through photo-doped semiconductor," Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 231101 (2011).
John F. O’Hara, M. T. Reiten, P. Colestock, L. Earley, and A. J. Taylor, "Tunnel-diode loaded split-ring resonators as a foundation for nonlinear metamaterials,"Proc. SPIE 8093, 809304-1-10 (2011). (Invited)
V. Whitley, D. E. Hooks, K. J. Ramos, T. H. Pierce, John F. O’Hara, A. K. Azad, A. J. Taylor, J. Barber, and R. D. Averitt, "Orientation dependent far-infrared terahertz absorptions in single crystal pentaerythritol (PETN) using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy," J. Phys. Chem. A 115(4), 439-442 (2011).
D. Roy Chowdhury, R. Singh, M. Reiten, H.-T. Chen, A. J. Taylor, John F. O'Hara, and A. K. Azad, "A broadband planar terahertz metamaterial with nested structure," Opt. Express 19(17), 15817 (2011).
H.-T. Chen, John F. O’Hara, A. K. Azad, and A. J. Taylor, "Manipulation of terahertz radiation using metamaterials," Laser & Photonic Reviews 5(4), 513(2011).(Invited Review Article)
D. Roy Chowdhury, R. Singh, M. Reiten, J. Zhou, A. Taylor, and John F. O’Hara, "Tailored resonator coupling for modifying the terahertz metamaterial response," Opt. Express 19, 10679 (2011).
M. T. Reiten, D. Roy Chowdhury, J. Zhou, John F. O’Hara, and A. K. Azad, "Resonance tuning behavior in closely spaced inhomogeneous bilayer metamaterials," Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 131105 (2011).
Fan Zhou, Yongjun Bao, Wei Cao, Colin T. Stuart, Jianqiang Gu, Weili Zhang, and Cheng Sun, "Hiding a realistic object using a broadband terahertz invisibility cloak " Scientific Reports 1, 78 (2011).
Xinchao Lu, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, "Localized plasmonic properties of subwavelength geometries resonating at terahertz frequencies," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 17, 119-129 (2011). (Invited Paper)
Yongyao Chen, Jianqiang Gu, and Weili Zhang, "Trapping and releasing light by elasto-optic effect in metamaterial waveguides," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 28, 272-277 (2011).
Jun Zhu, Jiaguang Han, Zhen Tian, Jianqiang Gu, Zhongyong Chen, and Weili Zhang, "Thermal broadband tunable terahertz metamterials," Optics Communications 284, 3129-3133 (2011).
Zhen Tian, Kun Xin, Mingwei Wang, Jiaguang Han, Haizhen Wang, Z. Ryan Tian, and Weili Zhang, "Terahertz response of ferroelectric nanofibers," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11, 9636-9640 (2011).
Xueqian Zhang, Quan Li, Wei Cao, Weisheng Yue, Jianqiang Gu, Zhen Tian, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, "Equivalent circuit analysis of terahertz metamaterial filters," Chinese Optics Letters 9, 110012 (2011). (Invited Paper)
Ranjan Singh, Ibraheem A. I. Al-Naib, Yuping Yang, Dibakar Roy Chowdhury, Wei Cao, Carsten Rockstuhl, Tsuneyuki Ozaki, Roberto Morandotti and Weili Zhang "Observing metamaterial induced transparency in individual Fano resonators with broken symmetry" Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 99, 201107, (2011).
Yuping Yang and Daniel R. Grischkowsky "Understanding fractional-order surface plasmons" Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 21, 4218-4220, (2011).
Yihong Yang, Mahboubeh Mandehgar, and Daniel R. Grischkowsky "Broadband THz Pulse Transmission Through the Atmosphere" IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology. , Vol. 1, No. 1, 264-273, (2011).
Yuping Yang, Ranjan Singh, and Weili Zhang"Anomalous terahertz transmission in bow-tie plasmonic antenna apertures" Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 15, 2901-2903, (2011).
Yingfang Ma, Zhongyang Li, Yuanmu Yang, Ran Huang, Ranjan Singh,Shuang Zhang, Jianqiang Gu, Zhen Tian, Jiaguang Han and Weili Zhang" Plasmon-induced transparency in twisted Fano terahertz metamaterials" Optical Materials Express Vol. 1, No. 3, 391-399, (2011).
Zhongyang Li, Yingfang Ma, Ran Huang, Ranjan Singh, Jianqiang Gu, Zhen Tian, Jiaguang Hanand and Weili Zhang "Manipulating the plasmon-induced transparency in terahertz metamaterials " Optics Express, Vol. 19, 8912-8919, (2011).
Yihong Yang, Alisha Shutler, and D. Grischkowsky "Measurement of the transmission of the atmosphere from 0.2 to 2 THz", Optics Express, Vol. 19, 8830-8838, (2011).
Yuanmu Yang, Ran Huang, Longqing Cong, Zhihua Zhu, Jianqiang Gu, Zhen Tian, Ranjan Singh, Shuang Zhang, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, " Modulating the fundamental inductive-capacitive resonance in asymmetricdouble-split ring terahertz metamaterials", Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 98, 121114, (2011).
Ranjan Singh, Ibraheem A. I. Al-Naib, Martin Koch, and Weili Zhang, "Sharp Fano resonances in THz metamaterials", Optics Express, Vol. 19, 6312-6319, (2011).
M. Theuer, A. J. Shutler, S. Sree Harsha, R. Beigang, and D. Grischkowsky, "Terahertz two-cylinder waveguide coupler for transverse-magnetic and transverse-electric mode operation", Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 98, 071108, (2011).
D. Yu Shchegolkov, A. Azad, John F. O’Hara, and E. Smirnova, "Perfect sub-wavelength fishnet-like metafilm THz absorbers," Phys. Rev. B 82, 205117 (2010).
H.-T. Chen, H. Yang, R. Singh, John F. O’Hara, A. K. Azad, A. Trugman, Q. X. Jia, and A. J. Taylor, "Tuning the resonance in high temperature superconducting terahertz metamaterials," Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 247402 (2010).
H.-T.Chen, J.Zhou, John F. O’Hara, F. Chen, A. K. Azad, and A. J. Taylor, "Antireflection coating using metamaterials and identification of its mechanism," Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 073901 (2010).
John O’Hara, A. K. Azad, and A. J. Taylor, "A method to determine effective metamaterial properties based on stratified metafilms," Eur. Phys. J. D 58, 243 (2010)
Xinchao Lu, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, "Transmission field enhancement of terahertz pulses in plasmonic, rectangular coaxial geometries," Optics Letters 35, 904-906 (2010).
Changlei Wang, Jianqiang Gu, Jiaguang Han, Qirong Xing, Zhen Tian, Feng Liu, Lu Chai, Yanfeng Li, Minglie Hu, Qingyue Wang, Xinchao Lu, and Weili Zhang, "Role of mode coupling on transmission properties of subwavelength composite hole-patch structures", Applied Physics Letters 96, 251102 (2010).
Zhen Tian, Abul K. Azad, Xinchao Lu, Jianqiang Gu, Jiaguang Han, Qirong Xing, Antoinette J. Taylor, John F. O’Hara, and Weili Zhang, "Large dynamic resonance transition between surface plasmon and localized surface plasmon modes," Optics Express 18, 12482-12488 (2010).
Feng Liu, Youjian Song, Qirong Xing, Minglie Hu, Yanfeng Li, Changlei Wang, Lu Chai, Weili Zhang, Aleksei M. Zheltikov, and Qingyue Wang, "Broadband Terahertz Pulses Generated by a Compact Femtosecond Photonic Crystal Fiber Amplifier," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22, 814-816 (2010).
Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl, and Weili Zhang, "Strong influence of packing density in THz metamaterials", Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 97, 241108, (2010).
Keith C. Oppenheim, Timothy M. Korter, Joseph S. Melinger, and D. Grischkowsky, "Solid-state density functional theory investigation of the THz spectra of the structural Isomers 1,2 Dicyanobenzene and 1,3-Dicyanobenzene", J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, Vol. 114, 12513-12521, (2010).
Joseph S. Melinger, S. Sree Harsha, N. Laman and D. Grischkowsky, "Temperature dependent characterization of THz vibrations of explosives and related threat materials", Optics Express, Vol. 18, 27238-27250, (2010).
M. Theuer, S. Sree Harsha, and D. Grischkowsky, "Flare coupled metal parallel-plate waveguides for high resolution THz time-domain spectroscopy", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 108, 113105, (2010).
Sher-Yi Cham, Ranjan Singh, Weili Zhang, and Andrew A. Bettiol, "Controlling metamaterials resonances via dielectric and aspect ratio effects", Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 97, 191906, (2010).
Zhen Tian, Ranjan Singh, Jiaguang Han, Jianqiang Gu, Qirong Xing, Judy Wu, and Weili Zhang, " Terahertz superconducting plasmonic hole array", Optics Letters, Vol. 35, 3586-3588 (2010).
Jianqiang Gu, Ranjan Singh, Zhen Tian, Wei Cao, Qirong, Xing, Mingxia He, Jingwen W. Zhang, Jiaguang Han, Hou-Tong Chen, and Weili Zhang, " Terahertz superconductor metamaterial", Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 97, 071102, (2010).
M. Theuer, R. Beigang and D. Grischkowsky, "Adiabatic Compression of THz Waves using Metal Flares," Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 96, 191110, (2010).
Ranjan Singh, Eric Plum, Weili Zhang, and Nikolay I. Zheludev, "Highly tunable optical activity in planar achiral terahertz metamaterials", Optics Express, Vol.18, 13425, (2010).
Ranjan Singh, Ibraheem A. I. Al-Naib, Martin Koch, and Weili Zhang, "Asymmetric planar terahertz metamaterials", Optic Express, Vol. 18, 13044, (2010).
Theuer, R. Beigang and D. Grischkowsky, "Sensitivity Increase for Coating Thickness Determination using THz Waveguides," Optics Express, Vol.18, 11456, (2010).
S. Sree Harsha and D. Grischkowsky, "THz (far infrared) characterization of Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (TRIS) using high resolution waveguide THz-TDS" , Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 114 (10), 3489, (2010).
Ranjan Singh, Zhen Tian, Jiaguang Han, Carsten Rockstuhl, Jianqiang Gu and Weili Zhang, "Cryogenic temperatures as a path toward high-Q terahertz metamaterials" , Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 96, 071114 (2010).
Ranjan Singh, Xinchao Lu, Jianqiang Gu, Zhen Tian and Weili Zhang, "Random terahertz metamaterials", Journal of Optics, Vol. 12, (2010).
X. G. Peralta, M. C. Wanke, C. L. Arrington, J. D. Williams, I. Brener, A. Strikwerda, R. D. Averitt, W. J. Padilla, E. Smirnova, A. J. Taylor, and John F. O’Hara, “Large-area metamaterials on thin membranes for multilayer and curved applications at terahertz and higher frequencies,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 161113 (2009).
V. H. Whitley, D. E. Hooks, K. J. Ramos, John F. O’Hara, A. K. Azad, A.J. Taylor, J. Barber, and R. D. Averitt, “Polarization orientation dependence of the far infrared spectra of oriented single crystals of 1,3,5-trinitro-s-triazine (RDX) using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy,” Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 395, 315 (2009).
C. Holloway, A. Dienstfrey, E. F. Kuester, John F. O’Hara, A. K. Azad, and A. J. Taylor, “A discussion on the interpretation and characterization of metafilms/metasurfaces: The two-dimensional equivalent of metamaterials,” Metamaterials 3, 110 (2009).
A. K. Azad, H.-T. Chen, X. Lu, J. Gu, N. R. Weisse-Bernstein, E. Akhadov, A. J. Taylor, W. Zhang, and John F. O’Hara, “Flexible quasi-three-dimensional terahertz electric metamaterials,” Terhertz Sci. Tech. 2, 15 (2009).
X. G. Peralta, E. Smirnova,A. K. Azad, H.-T. Chen, A. J. Taylor, I. Brener, and John F. zO’Hara, “Metamaterials for THz polarimetric devices,” Opt. Express 17, 773 (2009).
Xinchao Lu and Weili Zhang, “Terahertz localized plasmonic properties of subwavelength ring and coaxial geometries,” Applied Physics Letters 94, 181106 (2009)
Abul Azad, Hou-Tong Chen, Satish Kasarla, Antoinette Taylor, John O'Hara, Zhen Tian, Xinchao Lu, Weili Zhang, Hong Lu, and Arthur Gossar, “Ultrafast optical control of terahertz surface plasmons in subwavelength hole-arrays at room temperature,” Applied Physics Letters 95, 011105 (2009).
Zhen Tian, Jiaguang Han, Xinchao Lu, Jianqiang Gu, Qirong Xing, and Weili Zhang, “Surface plasmon enhanced terahertz spectroscopic distinguishing between isotopes,” Chemical Physics Letters 475, 132-134 (2009).
Jiaguang Han, Jianqiang Gu, Xinchao Lu, Mingxie He, Qirong Xing, and Weili Zhang, “Broadband resonant terahertz transmission in a composite metal-dielectric structure,” Optics Express 17, 16527-16734 (2009).
Jiaguang Han, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Zhen Tian, Xinchao Lu, and Weili Zhang, “Magnetic and magnetothermal tunability of subwavelength-hole arrays in a semiconductor sheet,” Optics Letters 34, 1465-1467 (2009).
Christoph Menzel, Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl, Weili Zhang, and Falk Lederer, “Effective properties of terahertz double split-ring resonators at oblique incidence,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 26, B143-147 (2009)
Carsten Rockstuhl and Weili Zhang, “Terahertz phase modulator,” Nature Photonics 3, 130-131 (2009).
Christoph Menzel, Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl, and Falk Lederer, "Effective properties of terahertz double split-ring resonators at oblique incidence," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 26, pp. B143-B146 (2009).
Jianqiang Gu, Jiaguang Han, Xinchao Lu, Ranjan Singh, Zhen Tian, Qirong Xing, and Weili Zhang, "A close-ring pair terahetz meta matamaterial resonating at normal incidence," Optics Express, Vol. 17, 20307-20312, (2009).
R. Singh, E. Plum, C. Menzel, C. Rockstuhl, A. K. Azad, R. A. Cheville, F. Lederer, Weili Zhang, and N. I. Zheludev, "Terahertz metamaterial with a asymmetric transmission," Physical Review B, Vol. 80, 153104, (2009).
Sher-Yi Cham, Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl, Falk Lederer, Weili Zhang, and Andrew A. Bettiol, "Analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency in Terahertz metamaterial," Physical Review B, Vol. 80, 154103, (2009).
M. Gong, D. Grischkowsky, and Tae-In Jeon, "THz surface wave collapse on coated metal surfaces," Optics Express, Vol. 17, 17088-17101, (2009).
Joseph S. Melinger, S. Sree Harsha, N. Laman and D. Grischkowsky, "Guided-wave THz spectroscopy of molecular solids," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 26, pp. A79-A89 (2009).
Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl, Christoph Menzel, Todd P. Meyrath, Mingxia He, Harald Giessen, Falk Lederer, and Weili Zhang,"Spiral-type terahertz antennas and the manifestation of the Mushiake principle", Optics Express, Vol.17, 9971-9980 (2009)
Prem S Thapa, Bruce J Ackerson, Daniel R Grischkowsky, and Bret N Flanders, "Directional growth of metallic and polymeric nanowires", Nanotechnology, Vol. 20, 235307 (10 pp), (2009).
S. Sree Harsha, N. Laman, and D. Grischkowsky, "High Q terahertz Bragg resonances within a metal parallel plate waveguide," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, 091118 (2009)
Jiaguang Han, Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Zhen Tian, Xinchao Lu, and Weili Zhang, “Magnetic and Magnetothermal Tunability of Subwavelength-Hole Arrays in a Semiconductor Sheet,” to be published in Optics Letters 34, (2009).
Shuang Zhang, Yong-Shik Park, Jensen Li, Xinchao Lu, Weili Zhang, and Xiang Zhang, “Negative refractive index in chiral metamaterials,” Physical Review Letters 102, 023901 (2009).
Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl, Falk Lederer, and Weili Zhang, “The impact of nearest neighbor interaction on the resonances in terahertz metamaterials,” Applied Physics Letters 94, 021116 (2009).
Sher-Yi Chiam, Ranjan Singh, Jianqiang Gu, Jiaguang Han, Weili Zhang, and Andrew Bettiol, "Increased Frequency Shifts in High Aspect Ratio Terahertz Split Ring Resonators," Applied Physics Letters 94, 064102 (2009).
Ranjan Singh, Carsten Rockstuhl, Falk Lederer, and Weili Zhang, “Coupling between a dark and a bright eigenmode in a terahertz metamaterial,” Physical Review B 79, 085111 (2009).
Jiaguang Han, Boon Kuan Woo, Wei Chen, Mei Sang, Xinchao Lu, and Weili Zhang, “Terahertz dielectric properties of MgO nanocrystals,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 17512-17516 (2008).
Weili Zhang, “Resonant terahertz transmission in plasmonic arrays of subwavelength holes,” The European Physics Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, 1-18 (2008).
Ranjan Singh, Abul K. Azad, John F. O’Hara, Antoinette J. Taylor, and Weili Zhang, “Effect of metal permittivity on resonant properties of terahertz metamaterials,” Optics Letters, Vol. 33, 1506-1508 (2008).
Ranjan Singh, Evgenya Smirnova, Antoinette J. Taylor, John F. O’Hara, and Weili Zhang, “Optically thin terahertz metamaterials,” Optics Express, Vol. 16, 6537-6543 (2008).
Xinchao Lu, Jiaguang Han, and Weili Zhang, “Resonant terahertz reflection of periodic arrays of subwavelength metallic rectangles,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, 121103 (2008).
N. Laman and D. Grischkowsky " THz Conductivity of thin metal films," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, 051105 (2008).
Joseph S. Melinger, N. Laman , and D. Grischkowsky " The underlying terahertz vibrational spectrum of explosives solids," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, 011102 (2008).
A. Bingham and D. Grischkowsky "Terahertz 2-D Photonic Crystal Waveguides," IEEE Microwave and wireless components letters, Vol. 18, 428-430 (2008).
N. Laman, S. Sree Harsha, D. Grischkowsky, and Joseph S. Melinger "7 GHz resolution waveguide THz spectroscopy of explosives related solids showing new features," Optics Express, Vol. 16, 4049-4105 (2008).
N. Laman, S. Sree Harsha, D. Grischkowsky "Narrow-line waveguide Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of Aspirin and Aspirin precursors," Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 62, 319-326 (2008)
Jiaguang Han, Xinchao Lu, and Weili Zhang, "Terahertz transmission in subwavelength holes of asymmetric metal-dielectric interfaces: The effect of a dielectric layer," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 103 (2008).
A. L. Bingham and D.Grischkowsky, "Terahertz two-dimensional high-Q photonic crystal waveguide cavities," Optics Letters, Vol. 33, 348-350 (2008).
Zhen Tian, Changlei Wang, Qirong Xing, Jianqiang Gu, Yanfeng Li, Mingxia He, Lu Chai, Qingyue Wang, and Weili Zhang, "Quantitative analysis of Kerr nonlinearity and Kerr-like nonlinearity induced via terahertz generation in ZnTe," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, 041106 (2008).
John F. O'Hara, Ranjan Singh, Igal Brener, Evgenya Smirnova, Jiaguang Han, Antoinette J. Tylor, and Weili Zhang, "Thin-film sensing with planar terahertz metamaterials: sensitivity and limitations," Optics Express, Vol. 16, 1786-1795 (2008).
N. Laman , S. Sree Harsha, D. Grischkowsky, and Joseph S. Melinger "High-Resolution Waveguide THz Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules", Biophysical Journal, Vol. 94, 1010-1020 (2008).
Yongchun Zhong, Kam Sing Wong, Weili Zhang, and D. C. Look, "Surface and bulk exciton recombination dynamics in GaN freestanding films via one- and two-photon excitations," Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 18, 453-457 (2007).
Jiaguang Han, Abul K. Azad , and Weili Zhang, "Far-infrared characteristics of bulk and nanostructured wide-bandgap semiconductors," Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, Vol. 2, 222-233 (2007).
Paul A. George, Christina Manolatou, Farhan Rana, Adam L. Bingham, and Daniel R. Grischkowsky, " Integrated waveguide-coupled terahertz microcavity resonators," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, 191122 (2007).
Jiaguang Han, Abul K. Azad, Mufei Gong, Xinchao Lu, and Weili Zhang "Coupling between surface plasmons and nonresonant transmission in subwavelength holes at terahertz frequencies," Applied Physics Letters ,Vol. 91, 071112 (2007).
Weili Zhang, Abul K. Azad, Jianguang Han, Jingzhou Xu, Jian Chen, and X.-C. Zhang, " Direct Observation of a Transition of a Surface Plasmon Resonance from a Photonic Crystal Effect," Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 98, 183901 (2007).
Jiaguang Han, Weili Zhang, Wei Chen, Sanith Ray, Jun Zhang, Mingxia He, Abul K. Azad, and Zhiyuan Zhu, "Terahertz dielectric properties and low frequency phonon resonances of ZnO nanostructures," Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 111, 13000 (2007).
Joseph S. Melinger, N. Laman, S. Sree Harsha, ShuFan Cheng, and D. Grischkowsky, " High-Resolution Waveguide Terahertz Spectroscopy of Partially Oriented Organic Polycrystalline Films," J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 111, 10977 (2007).
Yuguang Zhao and Daniel R. Grischkowsky, " 2-D Terahertz Metallic Photonic Crystals in Parallel-Plate Waveguides," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 55, 656 (2007).
Birol Ozturk, Bret N Flanders, Daniel R Grischkowsky and Tetsuya D Mishima, " Single-step growth and low resistance interconnecting of gold nanowires, " Nanotechnology, Vol. 18, 175707 (2007).
N. Laman and D. Grischkowsky, " Reduced conductivity in the terahertz skin-depth layer of metals, " Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, 122115 (2007).
A. L. Bingham and D. Grischkowsky, " High Q, one-dimensional terahertz photonic waveguides," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, 091105 (2007).
Jianguang Han, Fan Wan, Zhiyuan Zhu and Weili Zhang,
" Dielectric response of soft mode in ferroelectric SrTiO3," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, 031104 (2007).
Piao, Daqing, Xie, H., Zhang, Weili, Kransinski, Jerzy, Zhang G., Dehghani, H. and Pogue, B.W, "Endoscopic, Rapid Near-Infrared Optical Tomography," Optics Letter, Vol. 31, 2876 (2006).
Joseph S. Melinger, N. Laman, S. Sree Harsha and D. Grischkowsky, " Line narrowing of terahertz vibrational modes for organic thin polycrystalline films within a parallel plate waveguide, " Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, 251110 (2006).
Azad, Abul K., Zhao, Yuguang, Zhang, Weili and He, Mingxia, "Effect of Dielectric Properties of Metals onTerahertz Transmission through Subwavelength Hole Arrays," Optics Letters, Vol. 31, 2637 (2006).
Mingxia He, Abul K. Azad, Shenghua Ye and Weili Zhang, " Far-infrared signature of animal tissues characterized by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, " Optics Communications, Vol. 259, 389-392 (2006).
Jiaguang Han, Weili Zhang, Wei Chen, L. Thamizhmani, Abul K. Azad and Zhiyuan Zhu, " Far-Infrared Characteristics of ZnS Nanoparticles Measured by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy," Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 110, 1989-1993 (2006).
Jianguang Han, Zhiyuan Zhu, Sanith Ray, Abul K. Azad, Weili Zhang, Mingxia He, Shihong Li and Yiping Zhao, " Optical and dielectric properties of ZnO tetrapod structures at terahertz frequencies," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, 031107 (2006).
Yongchun Zhong, Kam Sing Wong, Weili Zhang, D. C. Look, " Radiative recombination and ultralong exciton photoluminescence lifetime in GaN freestanding film via two-photon excitation," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 89, 022108 (2006).
Yuguang Zhao and D. Grischkowsky, "Terahertz Demonstrations of Effectively Two Dimensional Photonic Bandgap Structures," Optics Letters ,Vol . 31, 1534-1536, (2006).
Abul K. Azad, Jianming Dai and Weili Zhang, "Transmission properties of terahertz pulses through subwavelength double split-ring resonators," Optics Letters, Vol. 31, 634-636, (2006).
Birol Ozturk, Charles Blackledge, Bret N. Flanders and D. Grischkowsky, " Reproducible interconnects assembled from gold nanorods," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, 073108 (2006).
Tae-In Jeon and D. Grischkowsky, " THz Zenneck surface wave (THz surface plasmon) propagation on a metal sheet," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, 061113 (2006).
Abul K. Azad, Jiaguang Han and Weili Zhang,
" Terahertz dielectric properties of high-resistivity single crystal ZnO," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 88, 021103 (2006).
A.K. Azad and W. Zhang, "Resonant terahertz transmission in subwavelength metallic hole arrays of sub-skin-depth thickness," Optics Letters, Vol. 30, 2945-2947, (2005).
Adam Bingham, Yuguang Zhao and D. Grischkowsky, " THz parallel plate photonic waveguides," Applied Physics Letters, Vol.87, 051101 (2005).
M. M. Awad and R. A. Cheville, " Transmission terahertz waveguide-based imaging below the different limit," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, 221107 (2005).
Tae-In Jeon, Jiangquan Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, " THz Sommerfeld wave propagation on a single metal wire," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, 161904 (2005).
Abul K. Azad, Y.Zhao and W.Zhang," Transmission properties of terahertz pulses through an ultrathin subwavelength silicon hole array," Applied Physics Letters, Vol.86, 141102 (2005).
L. Thamizhmani, A. K. Azad, Jianming Dai and W. Zhang, "Far-infrared optical and dielectric response of ZnS measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, 131111 (2005).
M. T. Reiten and R. A. Cheville, "Effect of spherical aberration and surface waves on propagation of lens-coupled THz pulses," Optics Letters, Vol. 30, 673-675 (2005).
Jiangquan Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, "Adiabatic Compression of parallel-plate metal waveguides for sensitivity enhancement of waveguide THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS)," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 86, 061109 (2005).
Tae-In Jeon and D. Grischkowsky, "Direct optoelectronic generation and detection of subps electrical pulses on sub-mm coaxial transmission lines," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No.25, 6092-6094 (2004).
Jiangquan Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, "Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy study of silica aerogels and adsorbed molecular vapors," J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 108, 18590- 18600 (2004).
Dongxia Qu and D. Grischkowsky, "Observation of a new type of a THz resonance of surface plasmons propagating on metal-film hole arrays," Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 93, 196804-1-4 (2004).
S. A. Harmon and R. A. Cheville, "Part-per-million gas detection from long-baseline THz Spectroscopy," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, 2128-2130 (2004).
R. A. Cheville, " Perspectives on THz time domain spectroscopy," J. Opt. Soc. Korea, Vol. 8, 34-52 (2004).
Jianming Dai, S. Coleman and D. Grischkowsky, " Planar THz Quasioptics," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, 884-886 (2004).
Jiangquan Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, " Waveguide THz time-domain spectroscopy of nm water layers," Optics Letters, Vol. 19, 1617-1619 (2004).
J. A. Small and R. A. Cheville, " Measurement and noise characterization of optically induced index changes using Terahertz interferometry," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 84, 4328-4330 (2004)
John O'Hara and D. Grischkowsky, "Quasi-optic synthetic phased-array terahertz imaging," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 21, 1178-1191 (2004).
Jianming Dai, Jiangquan Zhang, Weili Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, " THz Time -Domain Spectroscopy Characterization of the far-infrared absorption and index of refraction of high resitivity, float-zone silicon," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 21, 1379-1386 (2004).
Jiangquan Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, " THz time- domain spectroscopy of sub-monolayer water adsorption in hydrophilic silica aerogel," Optics Letters, Vol. 29, 1031-1033 (2004)
Dongxia Qu, D. Grischkowsky, and Weili Zhang, " Terahertz transmission properties of thin subwavelength metallic hole arrays," Optics Letters, Vol. 29, 896-898 (2004)
S. Coleman and D. Grischkowsky, " Parallel plate THz transmitter," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 84, 654-656 (2004).
Matthew T. Reiten, Stacee A. Harmon, and Richard Alan Cheville, " Terahertz beam propagation measured through three-dimensional amplitude profile determination," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 20, 2215-2225 (2003).
S. Coleman and D. Grischkowsky, " A THz TEM-mode two dimensional interconnect layer incorporating quasi optics," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 83, 3656-3658 (2003).
Jiangquan Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, "Whispering gallery mode cavity for terahertz pulses," J. Opt. Soc. B, Vol. 20, 1894-1904 (2003).
W. Zhang, Abul K. Azad and D. Grischkowsky, "Terahertz studies of carrier dynamics and dielectric response of n-type, freestanding epitaxial GaN," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 82, 2841-2843 (2003).
John O'Hara and D. Grischkowsky, "Synthetic phased-array THz imaging," Optics Letters, Vol. 27, 1070-1072 (2002).
Jiangquan Zhang and D. Grischkowsky, "Whispering gallery mode terahertz pulses," Optics Letters, Vol. 27, 661-663 (2002).
K. McClatchey, M. T. Reiten, and R. A. Cheville, "Time Resolved synthetic aperture terahertz impulse imaging," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 79, 4485-4487 (2001).
Tae-In Jeon, D. Grischkowsky, A. K. Mukherjee, and Reghu Menon, "Electrical and optical characterization of conducting poly-3-methylthiophene film by THz time-domain spectroscopy," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 79, 4142-4144 (2001).
M. T. Reiten, K. McClatchey, D. Grischkowsky, and R. A. Cheville, "Incidence Angle Selection and Spatial Reshaping of THz Pulses in Optical Tunneling," Optics Letters, Vol. 26, 1900-1902 (2001).
J. O'Hara and D. Grischkowsky, "Quasi-optic THz imaging," Optics Letters, Vol. 26, 1918-1920 (2001).
R. Mendis and D. Grischkowsky, "THz Interconnect with Low Loss and Low Group Velocity Dispersion," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 11, 444-446 (2001).
S. Krishnamurthy, M. T. Reiten, S. A. Harmon, and R. A. Cheville, "Characterization of thin polymer films using terahertz time-domain interferometry," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 79, 875-877 (2001).
M. T. Reiten, D. Grischkowsky, and R. A. Cheville, "Optical Tunneling of Single Cycle, THz Bandwidth Pulses," Phys. Rev. E., Vol. 64, 036604-1-5 (2001).
H. Harde, J. Zhao, M. Wolff, R. A. Cheville, and D. Grischkowsky, "THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy on Ammonia," J. Phys. Chem. A., Vol. 105, 6038-6047 (2001).<
R. Mendis and D. Grischkowsky, "Undistorted guided wave propagation of sub-picosecond THz pulses," Optics Letters, Vol. 26, 846-848 (2001).
Weili Zhang, Jiangquan Zhang, and D. Grischkowsky, "A Quasi-Optic Dielectric THz Cavity - Coupled through Optical Tunneling," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 78, 2425-2427 (2001).
M. T. Reiten, D. Grischkowsky and R. A. Cheville, "Properties of surface waves determined via bistatic terahertz impulse ranging," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 78, 1146-1148 (2001).
- D. Grischkowsky,
"Optoelectronic Characterization of Transmission Lines and Waveguides by THz Time-domain Spectroscopy," J. Sel. Topics Quant. Elec., Vol. 6, 1122-1135 (2000).
Tae-In Jeon, D. Grischkowsky, A.K. Mukherjee and Reghu Menon, "Electrical Characterization of Conducting Polypyrrole by THz time-domain spectroscopy," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 77, 2452-2454 (2000).
R. Mendis and D. Grischkowsky, "Plastic Ribbon THz Waveguides," J.Appl. Phys., Vol. 88, 4449-4451 (2000).
S. P. Jamison, R. W. McGowan, and D. Grischkowsky, "Single-mode waveguide propagation and reshaping of sub-ps terahertz pulses in sapphire fibers." Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 76, 1987- 1989 (2000).
G. Gallot, S.P. Jamison, R.W. McGowan, D. Grischkowsky, "THz Waveguides" J. Opt. Soc. B., Vol. 17, 851- 863 (2000).
R. W. McGowan, R. A. Cheville, and D. Grischkowsky, "Experimental Study of the Surface Waves on a Dielectric Cylinder via THz Impulse Ranging" IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 48, 417- 422 (2000).
R. W. McGowan, R. A. Cheville, and D. Grischkowsky, "Direct Observation of the Gouy Phase Shift in THz Impulse Ranging." Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 76, 670- 672 (2000).
D. Grischkowsky, B. N. Flanders, X. Shang, N. F. Scherer, "The Pure Rotational Spectrum of Solvated HCl: Solute-Bath Interaction Strength and Dynamics." J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 103, 10054-10064 (1999).
R. W. McGowan, G. Gallot, and D. Grischkowsky, "Propagation of Ultra-Wideband, Short Pulses of THz Radiation through Sub-mm Diameter Circular Waveguides." Optics Letters, Vol 24, 1431-1433 (1999).
G.Gallot, Jiangquan Zhang, R.W. McGowan, Tae-In Jeon and D. Grischkowsky, "Measurements of the THz Absorption and Dispersion of ZnTe and their Relevance to the Electro-optic Detection of THz Radiation." Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 74, 3450-3452 (1999).
G.Gallot and D. Grischkowsky, "Electro-Optic Detection of THz Radiation" J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 16, 1204-1212 (1999).
R.W. McGowan and D. Grischkowsky, "Time-Domain Study of THz Signals from Impulse Excitation of a Surface Dipole, " App. Phys. Lett., Vol74, 1764-1766 (1999).
R.A. Cheville and D. Grischkowsky,
"Foreign and Self Broadened Rotational Linewidths of High Temperature Water Vapor," J.Opt. Soc. B., Vol. 16, 317-322 (1999).
Tae-In Jeon and D. Grischkowsky, "Characterization of Optically-Dense, Doped Semiconductors by Reflection THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 72, 3032-3034 (1998).
Tae-In Jeon and D. Grischkowsky, "Observation of a Cole-Davidson Type Complex Conductivity in the Limit of Very Low Carrier Densities in Doped Silicon," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 72, 2259-2261 (1998).
R.A. Cheville and D. Grischkowsky, "Observation of Pure Rotational Absorption Spectra in the n2 Band of Hot H2O in Flames," Optics Lett., Vol. 23, 531-533 (1998)
R.A. Cheville, R.W. McGowan and D. Grischkowsky, "Temporal Isolation of the Scattering Mechanisms from Dielectric Spheres Responsible for the Terahertz Glory," Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 80, 269-272 (1998).
R.W. McGowan, D. Grischkowsky, J.A. Misewich, "Demonstrated Low Radiative Loss of a Quadrupole Ultrashort Electrical Pulse Propagated on a Three Strip Coplanar Transmission Line, "Appl, Phys. Lett, Vol. 71, 2842-2844 (1997).
H. Harde, R.A. Cheville and D. Grischkowsky, "Collision Induced Tunneling in Methyl Halides," J. Opt. Soc. B., Vol. 14, 3282-3293 (1997).
H. Harde, R.A. Cheville and D. Grischkowsky, "THz Studies of Collision Broadened Rotational Lines," Invited Feature Article in J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 101, 3646-3660 (1997).
Tae-In Jeon and D. Grischkowsky, "Nature of Conduction in Doped Silicon," Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 78, 1106-1109 (1997).
R.A. Cheville, R.W. McGowan and D. Grischkowsky, "Late Time Target Response Measured with THz Impulse Ranging," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Vol. 45, 1518-1524 (1997).
B.N. Flanders, R.A. Cheville, D. Grischkowsky and N.F. Scherer,
"Pulsed Terahertz Transmission Spectroscopy of Liquid CHCl3 CCl4 and their Mixtures,"
J Phys. Chem., Vol. 100, 11824-11835 (1996).
R.A. Cheville and D. Grischkowsky, "Time Domain THz Impulse Ranging Studies," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 67, 1960-1962 (1995).
R.A. Cheville and D. Grischkowsky, "Far-Infrared, THz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Flames," Optics Letters, Vol. 20, 1646-1648 (1995).
H. Harde, N. Katzenellenbogen and D. Grischkowsky,
Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 74, 1307-1310 (1995).
S.E. Ralph, S. Perkowitz, N. Katzenellenbogen and D. Grischkowsky,
"Terahertz Spectroscopy of Optically Thick Multilayered Semiconductor Structures", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 11, 2528-2532 (1994).
R.H.M. Groeneveld and D. Grischkowsky, "Picosecond Time-Resolved Far-Infrared Experiments on Carriers and Excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Wells", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 11, 2502-2507 (1994).
H. Harde, N. Katzenellenbogen and D. Grischkowsky,
"Terahertz Coherent Transients from Methyl Chloride Vapor"
, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B., Vol. 11, 1018-1030 (1994).
N. Katzenellenbogen, Hoi Chan and D. Grischkowsky ,
"New Performance Limits of an Ultrafast THz Photoconductive Receiver" OSA Proceedings on Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, Jagdeep Shah and Umesh Mishra, eds. (Optical Society of America, San Francisco, CA 1993), Vol. 14, 123-125.
D. Grischkowsky, "Nonlinear Generation of Subpsec Pulses of THz Electromagnetic Radiation by Optoelectronics - Applications to Time-Domain Spectroscopy," invited paper in the Memorial Volume to Serge Akhmanov entitled "Frontiers in Nonlinear Optics", Edited by H. Walther, N. Koroteev and M.O. Scully (Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia 1993 ), 196-227.
M. Ree, K.-J. Chen, D.P. Kirby, N. Katzenellenbogen and D. Grischkowsky, "Anisotropic Properties of High Temperature Polyimide Thin Films: Dielectric and Thermal Expansion Behaviors," J. Appl. Phys., Vol.72, 2014-2021 (1992).
D. Grischkowsky, "An Ultrafast Optoelectronic THz Beam System- Applications to Time-Domain Spectroscopy", invited paper in Optics and Photonics News, Vol. 3, 21-28 (1992).
N. Katzenellenbogen and D. Grischkowsky, "Electrical Characterization to 4 THz of N and P Type GaAs Using THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy," Applied Physics Letters, Vol.61, 840-842 (1992).
Stephen E. Ralph and D. Grischkowsky, "THz Spectroscopy and Source Characterization by Optoelectronic Interferometry"
, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.60, 1070-1072 (1992).
Stephen E. Ralph and D. Grischkowsky, "Trap Enhanced Electric Fields in Semi-Insulators: The Role of Electrical and Optical Carrier Injection", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.59, 1972-1974 (1991).
H. Harde and D. Grischkowsky, "Coherent Transients Excited by Subpicosecond Pulses of THz Radiation", J. Opt. Soc. B., Vol.8, 1642-1651 (1991).
H. Harde, Soeren Keiding and D. Grischkowsky, "THz Commensurate Echoes: Periodic Rephasing of Molecular Transitions in Free Induction Decay", Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 66, 1834-1837 (1991).
A.C. Warren, N. Katzenellenbogen, D. Grischkowsky, J.M. Woodall, M.R. Melloch, and N. Otsuka, "Subpicosecond, Freely Propagating Electromagnetic Pulse Generation and Detection using GaAs:As Epilayers", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 58, 1512-1514 (1991).
D. Grischkowsky and N. Katzenellenbogen, "Femtosecond Pulses of THz Radiation: Physics and Applications," OSA Proceedings on Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, T.C.L. Gerhard Sollner and Jagdeep Shah, eds. (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 1991), Vol. 9, 9-14.
N. Katzenellenbogen and D. Grischkowsky, "Efficient Generation of 380 fsec Pulses of THz Radiation by Ultrafast Laser Pulse Excitation of a Biased Metal Semiconductor Interface", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.58, 222-224 (1991).
D. Grischkowsky and Soeren Keiding, "Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of High Tc Substrates", Appl. Phys. Lett, Vol. 57, 1055-1057 (1990).
D. Grischkowsky, Soeren Keiding, Martin van Exter and Ch. Fattinger, "Far-Infrared Time-Domain Spectroscopy with Terahertz Beams of Dielectrics and Semiconductors", JOSA-B, Vol. 7, 2006-2015 (1990).
Martin van Exter and D. Grischkowsky, "Carrier Dynamics of Electrons and Holes in Moderately-doped Silicon", Phys. Rev. B15, Vol. 41, 12140-9 (1990).
Martin van Exter and D. Grischkowsky, "Optical and Electronic Properties of Doped Silicon from 0.1 to 2 THz", Applied Physics Letters, Vol.56, 1694-1696 (1990).
Martin van Exter and D. Grischkowsky, "Characterization of an Optoelectronic Terahertz Beam System", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 38, 1684-1691 (1990).
Soeren R. Keiding and D. Grischkowsky, "Measurements of the Phase Shift and Reshaping of Terahertz Pulses due to Total Internal Reflection", Optics Letters, Vol.15, 48-50 (1990).
Ch. Fattinger and D. Grischkowsky, "Beams of Terahertz Electromagnetic Pulses," OSA Proceedings on Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, T.C.L. Gerhard Sollner and David M. Bloom, eds. (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 1989), Vol. 4, 225-231.
Ch. Fattinger and D. Grischkowsky, "A Cherenkov Source for Freely Propagating Terahertz Beams", IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, Vol. QE-25, 2608-2610 (1989).
M. van Exter, Ch. Fattinger and D. Grischkowsky, “TeraHz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Water Vapor”, Optics Letters, Vol.14, 1128-1130 (1989).
M. van Exter, Ch. Fattinger and D. Grischkowsky, “High Brightness TeraHz Beams Characterized with an Ultrafast Detector”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.55, 337-339 (1989).
Ch. Fattinger and D. Grischkowsky, “Observation of Electromagnetic Shock Waves from Propagating Surface-Dipole Distributions”, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.62, 2961-2964 (1989).
D. Krokel, D. Grischkowsky and M.B. Ketchen, “Subpicosecond Electrical Pulse Generation using Photoconductive Switches with Long Carrier Lifetimes”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.54, 1046-1047 (1989).
Ch. Fattinger and D. Grischkowsky, “TeraHz Beams”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.54, 490-492 (1989).
M.B. Ketchen and D. Grischkowsky, “Subpicosecond Electrical Pulses”, 1990 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, (McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York 1989).
Ch. Fattinger and D. Grischkowsky, “Point Source TeraHz Optics”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.53, 1480-1482 (1988).
F.E. Doany and D. Grischkowsky, “Measurement of Ultrafast ‘Hot’ Carrier Relaxation in Silicon by Thin-Film-Enhanced, Time-Resolved Reflectivity”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.52, 36-38 (1988).
D. Grischkowsky, M.B. Ketchen, C-C. Chi, I.N. Duling III, N.J. Halas, J-M. Halbout, and P.G. May, “Capacitance Free Generation and Detection of Sub-Picosecond Electrical Pulses on Coplanar Transmission Lines”, IEEE J. Quantum Electronics, Vol.24, 221-225 (1988).
D. Grischkowsky, I.N. Duling III, J.C. Chen and C-C. Chi, “Electromagnetic Shock Waves from Transmission Lines”, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 59, 1663-1666 (1987).
R. Sprik, I.N. Duling III, C-C. Chi, and D. Grischkowsky, “Far Infrared Spectroscopy with Subpicosecond Electrical Pulses on Transmission Lines”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.51, 548-550 (1987).
F.E. Doany, D. Grischkowsky, and C-C. Chi, “Carrier Lifetime vs Ion-Implantation Dose in Silicon on Sapphire”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.50, 460-462 (1987).
W.J. Gallagher, C-C. Chi, I.N. Duling III, D. Grischkowsky, N.J. Halas, M.B. Ketchen, and A.W. Kleinsasser, “Subpicosecond Optoelectronic Study of Resistive and Superconductive Transmission Lines”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.50, 350-352 (1987).
M.B. Ketchen, D. Grischkowsky, T.C. Chen, C-C. Chi, I.N. Duling, III, N.J. Halas, J-M. Halbout, J.A. Kash and G.P. Li, “Generation of Sub-Picosecond Electrical Pulses on Coplanar Transmission Lines”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.48, 751-753 (1986).